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Pardon Our Dust

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

Dear Friend, As part of my call to educate, encourage, and inspire couples to achieve success and find deep fulfillment in their relationship, I am continuing to share useful information to help you experience a thriving marriage that leaves a lasting legacy. Today, I’m introducing this new series “Pardon Our Dust.” I hope it blesses you!

Regards, Verdun Woods

The Thriving Marriage Coach

Doing the Dirty Work At the height of expressing His creative genius, after calling an entire universe into existence out of nothing, the Lord God formed mankind out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. From this genesis of the human species, we are forced to embrace the humbling fact that we were created from the same common elements that produced every beast of the field and fowl of the air. In spite of the “dirty work” God performed by creating us from the dust of the ground, the Psalmist David reminds us of several important facts that distinguish man from animals, birds, and galaxies. First, we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God. We were created on purpose for a purpose – to reflect God’s character and exercise his dominion in the earth’s realm. We are not an accident, regardless of the circumstances of our earthly conception. Second, we occupy greater space in the mind and heart of the Creator than anything else in His created universe. When the Psalmist considers the majesty of the heavens, the moon and the stars, he marvels at the fact that God routinely thinks about us and personally cares for us. And finally, we can rest in the assurance that despite our human frailties, failures and frames, God faithfully extends his mercy toward those who respect him. As a loving father has compassion on his children, He knows we are merely dust and unconditionally embraces us, investing his treasure in our earthen vessels. Even during our times of sin and rebellion, He pardons our dust and cleans up our mess when we simply confess. We should all stand amazed at the extent to which God has gone to value His relationship with us, express His most intimate thoughts and feelings for us, and show grace and compassion toward us. But does His willingness to do the “dirty work” in our lives translate into our willingness to “pardon the dust” in those with whom we have relationships? Consider the following and draw your own conclusion. Home Improvement Projects Earlier this year, in late January, I began a major “Do It Yourself” (aka DYI) home-improvement project to remodel our master bathroom. With the exception of engaging the services of a licensed plumber to install a shower pan and redesign faucet connections, and some assistance from an enthusiastic but inexperienced family member, I bore the full responsibility for the entire project. What I initially thought was going to be a 4-week project turned into a 4-month ordeal. While things turned out well in the end, I learned some important lessons that also provided invaluable insights into the trials and triumphs of remodeling relationships. Over the next 10 days, I will share these insights with you in hopes they will inform, ignite, and inspire you to begin or continue your own “home” remodeling project! As I unpack some of my intimate thoughts and feelings, see how they might relate to the challenges you may be experiencing in building, maintaining or rebuilding relationships with those nearest and dearest to you. While you are reflecting on these insights, CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 30-minute preview of the virtual coaching course A Marriage that T.H.R.I.V.E.S. (valued at $75.00) to learn how to “pardon the dust” in your relationship and successfully begin that important home improvement project!

References: Genesis 2:7, 19a; Psalm 139: ; Genesis 1:26-28; Psalm 8:3-4; Psalm 139:17-18; Psalm 103:13-14; 2 Corinthians 4:7; 1 John 1:9

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